Saturday, October 28, 2006

Adsense or Yahoo Publisher?

"Which program is better? Adsense or Yahoo Publisher?"

It sounds simple, but the answer is not.

Adsense has been around for a while and it has the lion's share of the market in the PPC (Pay Per Click) game. But as more people are promoting them, the payouts will eventually become smaller. Yet, they are not worried about losing to their competitors, as they are still the best game in town.

Next is Yahoo Publisher. Everyone knows it is big and with the purchase of Overture, Yahoo is coming into the game well equipped and ready for a fight.

So what's the difference?
Yahoo, overall, is paying more per click then Adsense. But before you jump from this article and start changing your code, read on a bit more. Yahoo Publisher seems to be paying more then Adsense on similar content, not nearly as contextually targeted as Adsense. Yahoo Publisher will return ads which are not exactly related to your website or even return ads that does not relate to the content of your website! However, Adsense will not have this "problem". It will only return ads which are related to your website only.

So there isnt a clear win between the two, but it boils down to the type of site and the people who frequent the site. If you have a site that is highly targeted for a certain keyword, then I would suggest you stay with Adsense. This will keep the ads focused and targeted to your customers, presenting them with content that they will click. However, if your site is more of a surfer hangout, where people go when they are bored, or if your site covers a multitude of topics, then you might be better off loading it up with Yahoo Publisher ads. This type of surfer is more likely to click an ad that’s off topic, which in turn would pay you better.

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